Semi-Truck Crash
Brain Injury
Wage and Hour
Wrongful Death
Wrongful Death
Defending Doctors, Nurses and Hospitals
Call & Gentry Law Group takes great pride in representing health care professionals in lawsuits throughout mid-Missouri. Our team routinely defends professionals in complex lawsuits that require a keen intellect and the ability to digest and explain medical concepts, including:
- Hospitals
- Doctors
- Nurses
- Pharmacists
Attorney and founding member Jason Call has been handling complex medical malpractice defense cases for over 15 years and has successfully defended numerous malpractice cases ranging from alleged infant birth injury cases claiming millions of dollars in damages to claims of over-prescribing of narcotic medications.
In addition, our staff of experienced legal assistants provide outstanding customer service and help to facilitate effective communication between key individuals at the medical malpractice insurance company and the insured health care provider.
Aggressive Defense of Medical Cases Combined with Passion and Caring
At Call & Gentry Law Group, we understand that the doctors, nurses, and other health care providers we serve to deserve the ultimate amount of respect and professionalism that we can provide. We follow a philosophy that our hospitals, doctors, and nurses are family, and that they provide services that are invaluable to our communities. We will vigorously defend frivolous claims and will seek dismissal and summary judgment in the event a claim appears to be without merit.
Following this approach, we have had tremendous success dismissing cases at an early stage of the litigation. For example, Missouri requires any plaintiff filing a lawsuit against a health care provider to file an “affidavit of merit” within 90 days of the filing of the lawsuit, certifying that a qualified medical expert has reviewed the case and is of the opinion that a breach in the standard of care “caused or contributed to cause the damages as alleged in the petition.”
Many plaintiffs attorneys pursuing these types of cases file the lawsuit without first obtaining such an affidavit. We will relentlessly weed out these cases and seek to have them dismissed or force the attorney to first obtain the expert evaluation and file the affidavit required by statute.
Adverse Litigation Results are Harmful to a Doctor or Nurse’s Reputation
There is no worse feeling for a health care provider than being sued by a patient and his or her loved ones alleging that negligent medical care was provided. To make matters even worse, protracted litigation can be expensive, not just in settlements or judgments, but in time missed from work or from your practice to attend depositions and trial, if necessary.
Finally, there is the adverse consequence that can harm your reputation and cost you added insurance premium dollars when payment of a settlement or judgment is made on your behalf. At Call & Gentry Law Group, we give our very best effort to defend your case and either avoid an adverse outcome or attempt to structure any settlement in an effort to prevent harmful reporting to the National Practitioner Data Bank.
It is always important to keep the big picture in mind and consider all potential outcomes and consequences when determined how best to handle these complicated cases. We have the resources to help guide you through this often difficult process.
We take Pride in Defending the Healthcare our Clients Provide
At Call & Gentry Law Group, we are on your side. While some firms may sue doctors, nurses, or hospitals, we never do. We take pride in defending the medical professionals that work long, hard hours caring for friends, families, and communities.
Whether you are a medical malpractice insurance carrier, a self-insured hospital or physician, or a nurse in need of a personal attorney to represent you, you can trust that Jason Call or one of our other attorneys will take tremendous pride in defending your medical malpractice case.
Please feel free to email us at or call us at 573-644-6090 to visit with Jason or one of our other attorneys to provide assistance with your medical defense needs.
Call Today! 573-644-6090
Call & Gentry Law Group
Jason was great! Sheila, your communication was awesome!
Overall Excellent - not enough words to express how appreciative we are of you. You didn't treat us as 'clients.' Please stay in touch, Jason. We consider you a friend!
E.S. and B.S.
Our Mission
Call & Gentry Law Group
will be YOUR law firm
providing responsive,
dedicated and
personalized results