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Better Insurance Coverage for Eating Disorder Treatment

Paul T. Graham, of Counsel

PaulOn Friday, June 19, 2015, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon signed Senate Bill 145 into law. This law requires health insurers to cover treatment for eating disorders in conformity with the Guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association. This law also expressly prohibits insurers from overemphasizing weight criterion. Thus, the new law keeps insurers from resorting to made-up pseudo science, kicking patients out of treatment and disrupting their treatment.  It will help ensure that patients with eating disorders get the mental health treatment they need.

Senate Bill 145 was drafted by our fellow colleague and friend, Paul Graham. He has represented many patients, most of whom were young women, in claims against insurance companies that outright denied medical care, or treated only the symptoms, but not the underlying cause of eating disorders.  Congratulations to Paul on a job well done!

Read more about Senate Bill 145 at