In an effort to kick off a healthy and safe 2020, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) recently released a New Study to city officials showing that between 2013 and 2017, an average of 1,550 motor vehicle accidents occurred each year within the city limits of the City of Jefferson.
While CAMPO’s reach extends to neighboring communities like Holts Summit, St. Martins, Taos, Wardsville, and other parts of Cole County and Callaway County, the data confirmed Jefferson City as the location of most mid-Missouri motor vehicle crashes. Not surprisingly, the study revealed what many residents may have already suspected – the majority of collisions occur at busy locations and high volume traffic areas such as Missouri Boulevard, Highway 50, and the Missouri River Bridge. In fact, these three roadways accounted for nearly a third of all car and truck crashes within Jefferson City. Rear-end collisions (29%), speeding and reckless driving (18.5%), and angle crashes, more commonly referred to as “t-bone” collisions (18%) were by far the most common cause of property damage and injuries to mid-Missouri residents.
Thankfully, the data showed a decrease in
- The total number of collisions, from a high mark in 2016 of 1,690 to just 1,528 in 2017.
- Deaths and fatalities caused by motor vehicle collisions.
- Severe and life-threatening injuries, from 75 in 2013 to just over 40 in 2017.
The reduction in the frequency of collisions and the severity of injuries is most likely due to technological advances in safety features and motor vehicle design, heightened enforcement of traffic regulations, and the use of DUI and DWI police checkpoints, and increased public awareness of the dangers of texting while driving.
Although motor vehicle collisions are on the decline, it is important to remember that on average nearly five car wrecks occur on the highways, roads, and streets of Jefferson City each day. If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle collision, our legal team is here to take the stress of dealing with the insurance company off your shoulders and to answer any questions you may have about your rights and the legal process.