We are excited to announce the launching of our website, www.callgentry.com!
Nearly 13 years ago to the day, Jason and Chip met for the first time. A friendship was instantly forged. As the years clicked by, mutual respect, trust, the desire to work as a team, and a true competitive spirit grew. We are honored to have assembled an amazing group of friends all committed to these same principles. With the formation of Call & Gentry Law Group, we are committed to excellence. Our goal is to always support one another; to actively listen; to respect differing opinions; to learn from one another; and to always, without exception, strive to progressively push the team forward toward common goals. We intend to provide the very best, practical and efficient legal work to represent the best interests of our clients. We could not have accomplished what we have in such an aggressive time frame without each and every member of our team sacrificing, trusting in each other, and working collectively to bring all of the moving parts together in a harmonious orchestra of teamwork.
Please check out our website. We welcome your feedback. You can also follow us on LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook, and Twitter. We look forward to representing your legal needs, protecting your interests, and, most of all, cultivating long term friendships. We have a strong and successful track record accepting referrals from other attorneys, and collaborating with other attorneys and firms on a variety of complex and challenging cases. Call us for your construction defect, medical malpractice defense, plaintiff personal injury, wage and hour, business litigation, professional licensure, workers’ compensation and family law needs!